inflatable play yard
1) Material: 0.55mm-0.9mm Plato PVC tarpaulin
2) Size: 8*8*5.5m or customized
3) Shipping method:by sea or by air
4) Delivery time:7-10days
5) Accessories : PVC material; repair kits ,glue, CE/UL approved blower.
6) Usage: Set it in the street, square, park, supermarket for use of Party, advertising, promotional activity etc
7) Product range:
(1)Inflatable slides ,castles , bouncers ,large inflatable toys, inflatable games.
(2) Water ball ,water roller ,zorb ball ,swimming pool , aqua boat , bumper boat , and water slide
(3)Inflatableadvertising , inflatablemodel,inflatablearch ,inflatable tent,inflatable cartoon,inflatableChristmas model,inflatable Santa
Quality control
Asa long time veteran in the inflatablesmanufacturingindustry,XiangRuiLimited holds an unparalleled reputationfor providingsuperiorqualityinflatable games. XiangRui units areconstructed wellbeyondtheindustry standards. Below are just a few extrasteps we taketoprovideyou with the finest Inflatables. All productsaremanufacturedfrom highquality pvc knife coated materials that have atearstrength ofover1001bs.
The entire unit is double stitched and reinforced. Thebasepartofeach unit and all the stress points that bears the mostabusegetsextrareinforcement strips sewn on to the top of the seams.ThisprocessmakesXiangRui products last much longer compared tothecompetition. (seefig.1-2)

Topof the base is doubled up where upright posts andwallsareattached tothe base. This process reinforces thestresspointssubstantially, thuspreventing any unnecessary tears. (seefig.3)

All the straps for the ride tie downs gets an extra doubledvinylcovering.Anchoring straps are a
lso reinforced on the point ofattachmentto thebase, making XiangRuiproducts safe and rigid in themostadverseweather conditions and foryears to follow. (see fig. 4)

All items are sewn together using specially ordered high tear strength nylon thread that could withstand all weather conditions.
Ourrides come with replaceable covers on all wear andtearareaswerethere is either high traffic or cords and ropes arebeingused.Youcould confidently use XiangRui rides knowing all placesthataresubjectto wear and tear like the crawl throughtunnels,slidingblankets,climbing steps and else, are replaceable andcould beorderedandchanged when necessary. Your main inflatable ridewouldremaininperfect condition and there would be no need forunnecessarydowntimesand repair and freight charges . (see fig. 5&6)

Carefullydesigned and installed safety netting on alltheslidesprovides safeshaded platforms and restricts ridersfromperformingdangerousacrobatic flips and dives. (see fig.7)

Allitems are carefully designed by our experiencedexpertiseusingthelatest versions of sophisticated 3-D designingsoftwares. Thisone ofakind process brings extra durability, safety andsuperiorlooktoXiangRui products. Our designersworkcloselywith JumpBalloons engineers to assure strong structure and100%safeproducts.Wind calculation have been done for every design,usingBoreNationalStructure Code Requirements to avoid any overturnsandupliftsby wind.In addition all Jump Balloons products meet andexceedASTM(AmericanSociety for Testing and Materials) Standards.Additionaltiedowns,proper stakes, safety nettings and unique curved stopwallsareonly afew of the exclusive futures we practice to insuresafeandsuitableinflatable games. (see fig. 8&9)

We take pride on being the best at what we do. You can rely on XiangRui to meet all your inflatable structured